Engagement with artists
“Every little cell”. Dialogue with painter Ling Pui Sze and curator Chloe Chow. Published in “Every little unit”. ISBN 978-988-78766-1-8. October 2022
“Art and machines: a dialogue”. Interviewed in CityU Today (the CityU magazine), August 2021.
“Microbial Emancipation” artwork in collaboration with Maro Pebo (http://maropebo.com/project/microbial-emancipation/)
Residency, SymbioticA, University of Western Australia, June 2019 (https://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/residents/yun-wah-lam2)
“Magic Wands, Batons and DNA Splicers” artwork in collaboration with Wong Kit Yi, Art Basel Hong Kong, 27-31 March 2018 (http://www.metaobjects.org/work/wong-kit-yi-bio-lab-and-animation/)
“CRISPR Seed Resurrection”. Scientific advisor for the artwork by Ken Rinaldo, August 2021 (https://www.kenrinaldo.com/portfolio/crispr-seed-resurrection/)