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The other stuff

Talks available online

Other media appearances

Black soldier fly research was featured on a local TV science documentary (November, 2022)

Supervised 8 CHEM undergraduate students in the production of two science outreach videos (July - August 2021)


Interviewed on radio programme “奮發時刻 DSE”. RTHK. November 28, 2020

Newspaper column “科学問人” on Sky newspaper: 

科學家不是神話人物 (December 28th, 2015) 

科學家影帝 (January 25th, 2016)
師弟不二 (February 29th, 2016) 

研究的錢誰來付 (March 29th, 2016) 

科學嘉年華 (April 18th, 2016) 

科學做假 (June 6th, 2016)
科學問人的放榜日 (June 20th, 2016)
跨領域之苦 (July 18th, 2016)
答案的陷阱 (August 18th, 2016)

“What is the big questions?” Interviewed in CityU Today (the CityU magazine), October 2014.

“The science of omics: big data for public health” Interviewed in CityU Today (the CityU magazine), October 2013.

Interviewed on radio programme “精靈一點”, RTHK radio 1, July 17th, 2012

“Scientist found ways to mend broken hearts”. Article in Young Post, South China Morning Post, May 9, 2012

©2023 by Yun Wah Lam

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